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We encourage everyone--seniors as well as all other age groups--to spend more time outdoors walking and getting to know your neighbors. Whether it's going to the Farmer's Market, to the Co-op, or to the SEPTA station, walking is the best way to get there!
In order to encourage walking we have documented all the existing walks and trails in the Borough and on the College campus. We have chosen to use a smartphone app to map all the walks, and to provide information that will help you have a better experience. We have also provided the maps in a downloadable format and as laminated sheets that you can check out from the Swarthmore Public Library. See below.
Group walks are being scheduled by the Walks and Trails committee. Watch for meeting times and places in the newsletter. Some walks and hikes may depend on individuals traveling to various sites on their own or in carpools and then walking or hiking together. (Carpooling is considered an indoor activity. The driver in a carpool may impose stricter rules for all carpool participants than have been published by the State Health Department.) Contact if you have an idea for a walk or a hike in the area.
Take your own walk using SSCA's maps! We have mapped out over 20 walks and trails in Swarthmore. You can use the AllTrails app on your phone (click here to learn how to do that) OR you can download and print the maps from the Borough's website by clicking here OR you can go to the Library and check out one or more laminated maps.